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What to Include in Your Performance Review for Utility Workers


Utility managers can ensure the success of their projects by having the right team at their disposal. Assessing each team member can be an effective method to figure out who can do what, the job duties everyone excels at, and who needs improvement. Utility managers can use performance reviews to help them build the most effective team that can accomplish the next year's goals.

Managers can seek assistance from their company's human resources department to create an evaluation form that measures employee performance and employee strengths. Managers can use this information to improve the team member's work performance. This data can help managers set goals that the team member should strive to reach.

What items should be included in a performance review for utility workers?

This article will list some of the basic points to help utility managers expedite the review process.

Employee Name, Position Title, and Duties

You should include the employee's name on their performance review so everyone knows who is being evaluated. If you are drafting a template, then allotting space on the form is fine.

You should also add the employee's role in the company, including a summary of their job duties. This information lets the employee know what they are expected to be responsible for. Again, if you are making a template, you can leave space for this information but it should be filled in on the actual review. Plus, you will use this information for performance ratings.

Manager Name

The employee's manager's name indicates who oversees the employee, eliminating any confusion that could arise from a lack of correct information. If the manager is the one reviewing the employee, then their name should be on the form. If not, then the manager's name should be noted along with the reviewer's.

The Purpose of the Review

Stating the review's purpose defines it as an evaluation tool and as a guide to improving employee performance. A clear definition can dispel any misgivings employees may have about being reviewed.

Job Duties and Ratings

The employee's job duties should be individually listed with space to rate how well the employee performs each one. The rating system should also be defined somewhere on the form to provide clear, more effective guidance. Your company can choose the best way to rate performance. It can decide on a number scale with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. It can use a pass/fail system. Many companies use a three-tier system that labels each item as "Outstanding,” “Meets Expectations," and “Unsatisfactory." There should be plenty of space to rate each item and add comments when needed.

You can use the employee's job description to complete this section. You should contact your human resources department to obtain this information. Additionally, they might also have the review already drawn up for you. Contact them before you schedule the review to request what you need.

Employee Strengths and Accomplishments

Performance reviews are more than opportunities to point out what an employee does wrong. They should also highlight what the employee is capable of doing and what they have accomplished over the past year. Achievements can indicate excellent performance.

Additionally, you can note the employee's behavior in this section. If the worker brings a proactive, positive mindset to the job, then you can add this aspect in this section.

Performance Areas Which Need Improvement

This is the section many employees and managers dread to reach. However, it is crucial to address how a team member can meet expectations. This section can tie into the duty ratings and also include suggestions on how to improve behavior.

Plan Of Action Toward Improved Performance

Stating what needs improvement is only one piece of the puzzle. You have to create a plan of action for team members who need to improve their performance. This section can include recommendations for training and counseling.

Employee Goals

This section can differ from the previous area. Employee goals can incorporate what the plan of action hopes to achieve as well as the employee's own goals. For instance, if the employee has scored favorably in all areas and has no areas that need improvement (and thus no plan of action), they can set goals for themselves to work toward that can be recorded here. Their goals can include taking more classes, increasing their workload, and mentoring other team members. Employee goals can include short and long-term goals. Ideally, the ones set by employees should not be factored into future performance reviews. This section lets them set their course and assess their progress.

Employee Comments

This section of the performance review is the perfect place for the employee to respond to criticism. They can defend their performance against scrutiny, agree with the review, and add things that help flesh out the review. More information can help create action plans for them and the entire team.

Job Description Review Section

Sometimes an employee's performance can influence their defined role. If they do more than expected, additional duties can be added to their position. If they do less by no fault of their own, duties can be removed. Regardless of the reason, managers can use this section to record their thoughts about the matter. Plus, the employee might offer suggestions, making this section valuable.

Signature Spaces

This closing space should include room for employee and reviewer signatures and dates. Signing the review means the review actually happened.

Let Us Handle Utility Hauling to Free Your Time

Once you have created a performance review plan and implemented it, you can focus on other aspects of your job. You should cover one element in particular: the transportation of your project's utility poles.

Blackwood Resources can perform to your standards, quickly and safely delivering your utility poles and related freight to your job site so you can complete your project on time. You do not have to hire new workers or worry about reviewing their performance. Our drivers use our specialized fleet of trucks to load, transport, and unload utility equipment. We are responsible for how well they complete their job. As such, you can expect reliable service when you need it.

Performance matters when it comes to utility transportation. As a valued member of the utility industry, we acknowledge how essential speed is when restoring service. Customers demand quick results. We aim to help utility providers turn the lights on as fast as humanly possible. Whether it's after a severe weather event or during a routine refurbishment, our prompt service can align with your timetable.

Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.


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